Keith’s Ham and Cheese Sandwich

"Keith's Ham and Cheese Sandwich," from Make It Like a Man!

If I were served this ham and cheese sandwich at a little, French café, I’d be completely pleased. I’d probably Instagram it and rave about it. It’s seriously good.

Keith’s Sandwich





small sandwiches

Fresh, delicious, elegant.


  • 1 baguette

  • 3 Tbs butter, softened

  • 1/4 cup apricot jam

  • 2 tsp spicy brown mustard

  • Freshly-ground black pepper

  • 6 slices of thinly-sliced ham

  • 3½ oz. goat’s-milk brie

  • 2 large handfuls of arugula

  • Fresh fruit, chips, and cucumber water, for serving


  • Slice the ends off the baguette and eat them. Slice the baguette into two or three equal-sized segments. Slice each segment horizontally almost all the way through, like a hot dog bun. Open them up and lay them flat. They won’t want to stay like that, but that’s OK. They may also split, and that’s OK, too.
  • Stir butter and jam together. Spread it evenly across the inside of each “bun.” Spread the mustard very lightly and evenly over the jam mixture. Dust with pepper, to taste. Distribute the ham among the buns, arranging it to the left side of the fold, trimming and folding it as needed to keep it neatly in the bun with very little overhang. Slice the brie and arrange it to the right of the fold.
  • Top both sandwiches with arugula, fold them together. Optionally slice the sandwiches into smaller segments. Serve with fresh fruit, chips, and sparkling cucumber water.


  • Dijon would be a good substitute for the spicy brown mustard.
  • As an alternative to slicing the brie, you can let it sit out on the counter until it’s very soft, and spread it.
"Keith's Ham and Cheese Sandwich," from Make It Like a Man!

The Backstory

My husband, Keith, dictated this sandwich’s ingredients to me. I threw in a few twists, based on one of my favorite sandwiches.

Social Learning

There are baguettes, and then there are baguettes. If you want this sandwich to be the standout that it truly is, you need a baguette that’s so delicious, you’d eat it plain and love it. I get mine at La Boulangerie, next to Lycée Français de Chicago. Not only are they fantastic, but they never seem to run out of them. They lean more toward chewy than crunchy, which I like. Keith seems to think crunchy would be better. I want to say “as good.” La Boulangerie’s baguettes are also fairly thin in diameter, which makes for an elegant sandwich.

Search and splurge and get the best jam that you can. It’s got to be flavorful and sweet, rather than bland and sugary. Worst of all, don’t get a low-sugar jam. They’re equally low in flavor. Same with the ham: get the best stuff you can.

I love the subtle difference of goat’s-milk brie in this sandwich. A typical brie is an excellent substitute. Taking the sandwich in a completely different direction, try a blue-cheese/brie hybrid.

Cucumber water is absurdly easy to make: fill a glass with sparkling water that is as cold as it can be. Add two thick slices of cucumber. No need to steep; it’s good to go immediately. It goes beautifully with this sandwich.

"Keith's Ham and Cheese Sandwich," from Make It Like a Man!
 Keith’s Ham and Cheese Sandwich

Credit for images on this page: Make It Like a Man!, unless otherwise indicated. Thank you, Kesor and Proper Circle. This content was not solicited by anyone, nor was it written in exchange for anything. Make It Like a Man! has been ranked by Feedspot as #16 in the Top 30 Men’s Cooking Blogs. Eight intriguingly mysterious notches above Alton Brown. It must’ve been the pierogi.

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45 thoughts on “Keith’s Ham and Cheese Sandwich

  1. This sandwich sounds delicious! I’m not a fan of ham but think this would be wonderful with chicken or turkey as well, definitely going to try it!

  2. That sandwich looks and sounds heavenly!! The baguette looks perfect. YUM!
    Hope you had a Merry Christmas!

  3. We call these kind of sandwiches as “cold sandwitch”. Here, there are many “Cold sandwich shops” and they are really very popular. This one looks very tasty and hearty. Thanks for the recipe.

  4. I may have to break a New Year’s day tradition and opt for your sandwich this year. My family’s version of a ham and cheese always has been caraway rye spread with a mayo/sour cream/fresh dill mixture, thinly sliced ham, and Muenster or Swiss. Buttered and grilled in a skillet, it’s wonderful, but I’m ready for something new!
    shoreacres recently posted…The Messenger

  5. I do agree that a baguette has to be amazing and authentic. This sandwich sounds incredible with such interesting flavors.

  6. Points for Keith! I would definitely join you on Instagramming this… and I would use Bonne Maman apricot jam if I were out of my own. I’m curious, though, what kind of ham? Happy New Year to you both!

  7. Keith certainly knows what he is doing, that sandwich looks incredible! We have a European deli within walking distance to our house and recently we’ve discovered the most delicious ham which we have sliced very thinly for a fab sandwich. We have named it Delicious Ham, so when we run out, I say to my husband that we’ve run out of Delicious Ham and he knows exactly what I mean.
    I hope you and Keith had a wonderful holiday season and hope that you will have a Happy and Healthy New Year. Cheers to better days without the C-word.
    Eva Taylor recently posted…Gingerbread Petite Fours

  8. It’s lunchtime for me, and now you’ve got me craving this gorgeous sandwich Jeff! Love the butter, jam, and mustard flavor combo. That sounds absolutely addicting!
    Shannon recently posted…Savory Vegan Loaf

  9. This looks wonderful Jeff! I like the sound of the apricot jam. Hope you had a great festive season.

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